This project was originally part of a larger project using Unity’s High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). I wanted to make simple but visually pleasing grass which wasn’t just billboarded textures, and which could be blown around by wind and displaced by objects as they moved through it. I started with this tutorial but quickly hit a snag when I found how difficult it is to manually writes shaders in HDRP.
Still I persevered in basically in figuring out the insanely complicated HDRP lit shader, and it works! My main lesson from this approach is that I don’t think this is the way to go, but I still learned a ton about shader coding, in particular how tessellation works. In future, I'd like to try this again but using instanced meshes.
Check it out on GitHub for a more thorough explanation, or scroll down to enjoy some cool gifs.
There are tons of customization options, and the grass works with multiple light sources, cast shadows, and can multiple spheres displacing it.
The grass can have multiple LODs! Check out this trippy debug view.
The grass can be baked into static meshes and then placed as prefabs on Unity terrain.
The material has a swanky inspector in the style of other HDRP materials!
I can see use cases for this as a weird fur thing or music visualizer, too. :P