This project was originally part of a larger project using Unity’s High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). I wanted to make simple but visually pleasing grass which wasn’t just billboarded textures, and which could be blown around by wind and displaced by objects as they moved through it. I started with this tutorial but quickly hit a snag when I found how difficult it is to manually writes shaders in HDRP.

Still I persevered in basically in figuring out the insanely complicated HDRP lit shader, and it works! My main lesson from this approach is that I don’t think this is the way to go, but I still learned a ton about shader coding, in particular how tessellation works. In future, I'd like to try this again but using instanced meshes.

Check it out on GitHub for a more thorough explanation, or scroll down to enjoy some cool gifs.




Raincoat (3D Platformer)